Short-listed candidates revealed for 2016 Global Youth Travel Awards consumer-voted categories

WYSE Travel Confederation is pleased to announce that the following 11 organisations have been short listed for four awards that will be granted at a gala celebration that will bring the 25th annual World Youth and Student Travel Conference (#WYSTC2016) to a close on Friday, 23 September 2016 in Belgrade, Serbia. These four categories of the Global Youth Travel Award recognise outstanding performers in youth and student travel as chosen by consumers themselves.
Stay tuned for the winners in each of these and other #GYTA2016 award categories!

Best Youth Travel Accommodation Provider

To be awarded to an organisation or property that excels in its commitment to providing excellent experiences to youth travellers.

 Generator Hostels  MEININGER Hotels  Safestay

Best Youth Travel Agent

To be awarded to an organisation that offers innovative and affordable travel products and services along with excellent customer service to youth and student travellers.

 Rustic Pathways  STA Travel  StudentUniverse

Best Youth Travel Airline

To be awarded to an airline that has done the most to accommodate the needs of youth travellers.

 Air Canada  Emirates  Ryanair

Best Youth Tour Operator

To be awarded to an organisation that offers unique, fun and safe tour experiences tailored to young travellers.

Bus2Alps I Love Travel Rustic Pathways


Please note that all finalists are listed in alphabetical order.